19 Holy Trinity Church
Before visiting Holy Trinity Church we advise you check here to find whether it will be open: https://www.holytrinitycoventry.org.uk/
This church, soaked in history, is a living, worshipping community of over 300 people a week. As a “Cross of nails” church, Holy Trinity Coventry is committed to peace and reconciliation.
Things to look out for:—
The “Dove of peace” weather vane, which is 8 feet in length.
The Peace chapel which seeks to focus on remembering the lives lost in the sacrificial work for peace.
The stone memorial on the wall of the Peace chapel inscribed with the names of sailors who died in the sinking of HMS Coventry.
And the two kneeling-desks in the Peace Chapel which were donated by two families who lost a loved one in the Falklands war.
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